Conference Fees

Packages per article Early registration (until August 1, 2024) Late registration (August 2 to Sept 5, 2024)
(A) Online participation for one article with main author from the IUK (Kuwait)*(A1) 100 USDA2) 150 USD
(B) In person participation for one article with main author from the IUK (Kuwait)*(B1) 300 USD(B2) 350 USD
(C) Additional article with the same main author (online or in person) from the IUK (Kuwait)*(C1) 50 USD(C2) 75 USD
(D) In person participation of additional co-author (or spouse) with main author for IUK (Kuwait)*(D1) 60 USD(D2) 60 USD
(E) Publication fee for any journal or book series supporting the conference direct contact of the author with the corresponding journal (no restrictions)(E1)(E2)
(F) Online participation for one article with the main author from Europe or America(F1) 150 EUR
Or 150 USD
(F2) 200 EUR
Or 150 USD
(G) In person participation for one article with the main author from Europe or America(G1) 350 EUR
Or 350 USD
(G2) 400 EUR
or 400 USD
(H) Additional article with the same main author from Europe or America(H1) 100 EUR
Or 100 USD
(H2) 150 EUR
Or 150 USD
(I) In person participation of additional co-author (or spouse) with the main author from Europe or America(I1) 60 EUR
Or 60 USD
(I2) 60 EUR
Or 60 USD
(J) Publication fee in the Special issue of ERSJ, or IJEBA, or IJFIRM (optional) of an article presented in the conference (no restrictions)(J1) 850 EUR
Or 850 USD
(J2) 850 EUR
Or 850 USD
(K) Online participation for one article with the main author from other regions (not from IUK, not from Europe not from America)(K1) 125 USD(K2) 175 USD
(L) In person participation for one article with the main author from other regions (not from IUK, not from Europe not from America)(L1) 325 USD(L2) 375 USD
(M) Additional article with the same main author from other regions (not from IUK not from Europe not from America)(M1) 75 USD(M2) 75 USD
(N) In person participation of additional co-author (or spouse) with the main author from other regions (not form IUK, not from Europe not from America)(N1) 60 USD(N2) 60 USD
(O) Membership in ISMA (calendar year)(P1) 60 EUR
Or 60 USD
(P2) 60 EUR
Or 60 USD

*Participants only from the International University of Kuwait

Conference fees can be paid with:

Bank Transfer [Payments are in EUR for European residents and in USD for non-European residents (amounts equivalent to EUR amount rate 1:1,1)]:

Bank Transfer in EURO:
Beneficiary: International Strategic Management Association
Address: Athens, Greece
VAT number: 090196953
Bank: Piraeus Bank
Account No. IBAN: GR94 0172 0830 0050 8310 5154 608

Bank Transfer in USD:
Beneficiary: International Strategic Management Association
Address: Athens, Greece
VAT number: 090196953
Bank: Piraeus Bank
Account No. IBAN:  GR76 0172 0830 0050 8310 5154 641
When using bank transfers, please make sure to cover all banks` service fees at your own account. Payments above are net to our bank accounts.

The payment document must have the following information:
Participant’s first name and last name, ICABE 2025 conference fee, Submission Number (Sent to your email address upon submission), code of package(s) (for example B1+J1+H1+K1, 300 euro+850 euro+100 euro+125 euro=1400 euro, similar in USD).

PAYPAL [Payments are in EUR for European residents and in USD for non-European residents (amounts equivalent to EUR amount rate 1:1,1)]: