Conference Programme

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Conference Program

DAY 1: Thursday 12 September 2024

8:30-10:00 Welcome Coffee

10:00-10:45: A1: Plenary Session, Main Auditorium
Welcome Speeches: Moderator Prof. Kesra NERMEND, Director of Institute of Management, University of Szczecin, POLAND
Prof. Waldemar TARCZYŃSKI, Rector, University of Szczecin, POLAND
Prof. Hab. Marilen Gabriel PIRTEA, Rector, West University of Timisoara, ROMANIA
Prof. Frank BEZZINA, Pro-Rector, University of Malta, MALTA
Prof. Dimitrios MADITINOS, Dean, Democritus University of Thrace, GREECE
Mr. Piotr KRZYSTEK, President of Szczecin, POLAND
Dr. Dominik ROZKRUT, Ph.D., President of Statistics Poland, POLAND
Other Officials
Prof. Eleftherios Thalassinos, President ISMA, Chair ICABE 2024, GREECE

10:45-12:45: A2 Plenary Session, Main Auditorium
Moderator Prof. Rebecca Emily DALLI-GONZI, University of Malta, MALTA
Main Theme: “Navigating the Future: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Economic Fundamentals in the ESG Era
10:45-11:05 Prof. Gratiela Georgiana NOJA, West University of Timisoara, ROMANIA
Title: ”Towards A Greener Future: A New Modelling Approach To Assessing Technological Innovation Inferences On Environmental Sustainability”
11:05-11:25 Dr. Małgorzata TARCZYŃSKA-ŁUNIEWSKA, University of Szczecin, POLAND
Title: To Be Announced.
11:25-11:45 Dr. Ioannis TACHMATZIDIS, Malama Institute, Athens, GREECE
Title: “Istamology on the Manager to Manage the Management in the Era of Governance-ESG-ism”
11:45-12:05 Assoc. Prof. Simon GRIMA, Vice Dean, University of Malta, MALTA, Prof. University of Latvia, LATVIA
Title: To Be Announced.
12:05-12:50 Discussion, questions, and answers (2nd round for keynote speakers)

12:50-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:30: B1 Invited Speakers I, Plenary Session, Main Auditorium
Moderator Dr. Małgorzata TARCZYŃSKA-ŁUNIEWSKA
, University of Szczecin, POLAND
14:00-14:20 Dr. Dominik ROZKRUT, Ph.D., President Statistics Poland, POLAND
Title: To Be Announced.
14:20-14:40 Prof. Kinga FLAGA-GIERUSZYŃSKA, Univerity of Szczecin, POLAND, Mr. Piotr KRZYSTEK, President of Szczecin, POLAND, Prof. Hab. Joanna STUDZIŃSKA, ALK, POLAND
Title: “Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: ESG Compliance Management as a Legal Service”
14:40-15:00 Prof. Pro-Rector Frank BEZZINA, University of Malta, Non-Executive Director of the Bank of Malta, Former Active President of the Republic of Malta, MT
Title: ”Determinants of sustainable-oriented behaviours among University students: An evaluation of key competences” co-authored with Cassar, V., and Tracz-Krupa, K.
15:00-15:30 Discussion, questions, and answers

15:30-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-17:15: B2 Invited Discussion Panel
Panel Leader, Moderator, Chair: Prof. Wojciech Drożdż, University of Szczecin, POLAND
Main Theme: Challenges of Modern Energy Sector in the Context of Geopolitical and Climate Changes
Panelists: (TBC)
Prof. Robert Smoleński, University of Zielona Góra, POLAND
Prof. Adam Koniuszy, Western Pomeranian University of Technology, POLAND
Grzegorz Kinelski, PhD, CEO of ENEA S.A., POLAND
Grzegorz Bednarski, CEO of INDUSTRIA S.A., POLAND
Jakub Dowejko, PhD, University of Szczecin, POLAND
Michał Przepiera, Deputy President of Szczecin, POLAND
Prof. Gratiela Georgiana Noja, Vice Dean, West University of Timisoara, ROMANIA
Prof. El Thalassinos, European Chair Jean Monnet, GREECE

17:15-18:30 Parallel Sessions, Halls 1, 2, 3
Parallel Session C1 Lecture Hall 1: Moderator Ph.D. Eng. Marta KADLUBEK, Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, POLAND
Parallel Session C2 Lecture Hall 2: Moderator Dr. Diego NORENA-CHAVEZ, Director of Graduate Program, University of LIMA, PERU
Parallel Session C3 Lecture Hall 3: Moderator Ass. Prof. Maia DIAKONIDZE, Akaki Tsereteli State University, GEORGIA

20:00-22:00 Dinner Place TBA

DAY 2: Friday 13 September 2024

09:30-11:00 Parallel Sessions, Halls 1, 2, 3
Parallel Session D1 Lecture Hall 1: Moderator Prof. Inna ROMANOVA, Vice Dean, University of Latvia, LATVIA
Parallel Session D2 Lecture Hall 2: Moderator Prof. Mirela CRISTEA, University of Craiova, ROMANIA
Parallel Session D3 Lecture Hall 3: Moderator Prof. Tamara KERKOVIC, University of Nice, SERBIA

11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
: E1 Invited Speakers II, Plenary Session, Main Auditorium
Moderator Prof. Dimitrios MADITINOS, Democritus University of Thrace, GREECE
11:15-11:35 Dr. Jonathan BERKSHIRE MILLER, MacDonald-Laurier Institute, CANADA
Title: “Russia’s War in Ukraine: Implications Post-Washington NATO Summit”
11:35-11:55 Dr. Gonzalo DE CADENAS-SANTIAGO, Ph.D., MARFRE Economics Madrid, SPAIN
Title: “The World and the Economy in the 20s. Again, into Troubled Waters”
11:55-12:15 Ms. Isidora TACHMATZIDI, LLM, Atorney at Law, International Mediator, King’s College London, UNITED KINGDOM
Title: “Mediation as a Crucial Mean for Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution in the ESG Era”
12:15-12:50 Discussion, questions, and answers

12:50-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-15:15 Parallel sessions, Halls 1, 2, 3
Parallel Session F1 Lecture Hall 1: Moderator Prof. VLAD DUMITRACHE, DRESMARA, ROMANIA
Parallel Session F2 Lecture Hall 2: Moderator Prof. Andrzej SOBON, War Studies University, POLAND
Parallel Session F3 Lecture Hall 3: Moderator Prof. Ileana TACHE, Transilvania University of Brasov, ROMANIA

15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-17:45 Guest Speakers, Plenary Session, Main Auditorium
Moderator Prof. El THALASSINOS, President ISMA, Chair ICABE 2024, GREECE
15:30-15:50 Prof. Thomas BURKHARDT
and Prof. Heiko NEUHAUS, Institute of Management, University of Koblenz, GERMANY
Title: “Strategy Abandonment in Financial Markets”
15:50-16:10 Prof. Emeritus George BITROS, Athens U of Economics and Business, GREECE
Title: To Be Announced.
16:10-16:30 Prof. Eleftherios THALASSINOS, University of Piraeus, Greece, GREECE, and University of Malta, MALTA
Title: “Unlocking Insights: Mastering Quantitative Methods (Econometrics, Statistics) for Understanding Social Dynamics”
16:30-16:50 Prof. John MALINDRETOS William Paterson University of New Jersey, USA
Title: To Be Announced.
16:50-17:10 Prof. Nicolas ECONOMIDES, New York University STERN’s, Business School, USA
Title: To Be Announced.
17:10-17:30 Questions and Answers
17:30-17:45 Conference’s Conclusions, Open Agenda

20:30-Open Gala Dinner place TBA

DAY 3: Saturday 14 September 2024

09:00-10:30 Parallel Session 1 online: Moderator Prof. Vasilis ZAKOPOULOS, UNWA, GREECE;
09:00-10:30 Parallel Session 2 online: Moderator Prof. Dimitrios CHATZOUDES, Democritus University of Thrace, GREECE;
13:00-14:30 (Indian Time) Parallel Session 3 online: Prof. Kiran Sood, Chitrika University INDIA;
10:00-14:00 Social activities (optional)